February 7, 2018

Thu and Alek are two of my dearest friends, and Thu in particular has been my rock these last 6 months as I nursed my mum  in her final stages of cancer…so when Thu called me late last year to tell me their dog Ellie (who they love like their first born) had late stage cancer we both knew how important it was to capture the time they had left with her. Sadly sweet Ellie passed away at home less than a month after this shoot, cuddled up with Alek and Thu and knowing she was loved from the top of her ears to the tips of her toes and thankfully they will always have these pictures to remember those last months they shared. Life is precious my friends, and in the grand scheme of things oh so fleeting, don’t take it for granted and don’t ever miss an opportunity to squeeze the ones you love the most. x